PURCHAsE Tickets
Hotel Vernal Haunt is a charity event. Tickets are purchased through Bookeo website. Select the local charity of your choice to benefit when purchasing tickets.
Tickets for the Haunt can be purchased at the hotel counter the night of your experience (cash or credit) or purchase online.
There are plenty of Haunt tickets available. There is limited space in the Escape Rooms and the Escape Room requires an online reservation.
Fear Haunt (ONLY)
$12 adult
$10 student/veteran/senior
Zombies, mad scientists, and unsettled spirits are just a few of the many horrors that await you as you explore the depths of the historic Hotel Vernal. Fear Haunt tickets are NOT for a specific time. The next group will be taken from the waiting line.
Escape Room (ONLY)
$12 adult
$10 student/veteran/senior
Can you and your fellow slueths escape the room before the haunting hour? Help solve the mystery of the missing hotel guests. Look for mysterious clues amid the paranormal activity to advance and escape the room. Escape room tickets are for a specific day / time. The first escape room starts at 6pm and run until 9pm weeknights / 9:45pm weekends.
Un-Haunted Tour (ONLY)
$5 per person
New this year at the Haunt. Is the Haunt with all of its spooks, gore and jump scares a bit to much for you, your grandpa or your child? Get a behind the scenes tour of the Haunt rooms and experience. This experience was in early October.

Doors open at 6pm.
Bounce back for Haunt (same night) = $5 per person
Bring two cans of food and receive $2 off per ticket - walk-up tickets only.
= $2 discount at the door
Group rate (more than 8): $2 discount per person
Only one discount per person (can't combine the group and food discount)
The experiences require the use of stairs. Participants will need to navigate two flights of stairs.